Friday, September 4, 2009

Childhood: Playground Memories

This weekend, please visualize yourself on your elementary school playground. Describe a specific memory you have in this place. Then, think about what's common, good and bad, about a child's experience on the playground. Explain at least one of those common experiences here.

I encourage you to interact with your peers on this blog. Ask questions, respond to thinking, make connections with others here.


  1. I remeber one time at a playground some older kids were throwing rocks everywhere and my mom came over and yelled at them. She yelled at them because i have a rare eye condition and she didnt want it to get worse or anything so she freaked.

    A childs expeirience could be good or it could be bad. They could be bullied or have the time of their life. It all depends on their surroundings.

  2. When i was younger and anyone from my elementary school (Sandburg) would agree that i was a tomboy and a bully

    so i basically would chase after all the guys there and just be really mean to everyone...=[

    i remember also that in 5th grade i basically had three main friends and then there was Caitlin so all of that year i was fighting with my three close friends (Jenny, Kristie) and towards the end of the year i pretty much ditched them and started hanging with Caitlin more =] nowa days im still friends with those two its funny

    i agree with samK that it really depends on a lot of things how their parents are how they are, like i was mean to people so they were mean in turn (now im fine with most if not all those people)

  3. I remember when I was little there was this little plastic table and I used to scoop up the little pebbles and tiny rocks and assort them by color. I'd tell my mom it was ice cream and make her pay for it (: /She's pay with fake money and it made me feel cool aha.

    I think if the playground has a positive atmosphere then it should be a good experience, It just depends on all the other variables such as parents, kids, activities, etc.

  4. When I was little, like in second grade, I used to go to this school called Homestead (Cali knows what I'm talking about) =). .. .anyway that day I was wearing a really cute yellow plaid skirt. All of my friends were interested in jump roping so I decided to try it and my skirt fell down in front of the basketball players (the 5th graders) it was soooooo embarassing!!!!!!

    I think that every child probably has a good memory from a playground. Playgrounds are places to play hence the name playground haha but anyway, if the kid is a very social and active person, then I think that they would have a great time. But, if a kid is very shy or something it could affect their memories, so I think that experiences depend on your attitude. =)

  5. Amelia,
    I remember that haha they all got mad at me and they're like "you're stealing Amelia from us"
    Yaaaaaa so anyway we're cool now =)

  6. When I was in elementary school, our school playground had this zip-line that everyone loved to play on. Kids would stand in line for half the recess to get one ride on it. Looking back, it wasn't really that cool or interesting, but my memories of it are. This is probably because my memories are not necessarily of the zip-line, but of the friends I played on it with.
    I think that is the beauty of playgrounds; they don't have to be filled with cool things to be fun. Through a kid's eyes, even a simple slide or swingset is tons of fun, as long as it is with friends.

  7. When i was in elementary school i remember there was this one slide that my friends and i loved to go and "play" around. It was one of those slides that didnt have a top on and we would always take our shoes off and go down the slide like we were snowboarding on our socks. I remember i thought i was so cool because i was going down the slide on my feet. I think that a little kids experience on the playground can be really fun or horrible. It can be horrible if there are bullys, or great if there arnt and if your with your friends.

  8. One thing I remember from my elementary school playground was that whenever my friends and I would swing together we always tried to match each other and then say we were married. We used to laugh and have fun with it. I also remember we would get off right away if we were "married" to a boy. To me I think that most kids have tons of fun when on a playground because they will mostly be with there friends and even though kids may be bullied at a playground when they grow up they mostly only remember the good times. ;)

  9. I remember almost every day in 4th grade my friends and I would go out to the playground and head straight to this gymnastics bar. We would swing on it and do flips all of recess. We even fell off it a couple of times, hit our head and got huge blisters on our hands but that never mattered because we were all having such a good time! I think a child’s experience on the playground really depends on who he or she is surrounding themselves with. If they are with a group of good friends their much more likely to remember these experiences as positive memories.

  10. I remember in 3rd grade when my friends and I played freethrow knockout everyday. We had a line in the game that reached the other side of the court. It was insane. As for commom experiences as a child on the playground, i agree with Georgia. It depends on who you surround yourself with. Positive memories happen with good people.

  11. When i was in elementary school i was still in Nepal which is quite different from here but i remember that there were four swings and two slides.Me and my friends would always fight to see who goes first.
    My childhood experience was good because in my elementary there weren't a lot of people so we all got along very good.Nobody bullied anyone one because we were all friends. One of the common experience is that some people here are really nice one and of the bad experience is that some can be really mean.

  12. In fourth grade, we had just gotten a brand new playground. Everyone was so excited! Tire swings, rock walls, "tornados" as we would call them, were the talk of the school. I remember we also got a standing-up see-saw. Kids would wait all of lunch just to try it out. We would try and bounce eachother to see who can go the highest. One day I was trying to bounce my friend Abby but she was very small and she flew off and broke her thumb!! I felt awful but she said she would still be my friend.
    My childhood experience on that playground was mainly positive. Even though we had all that amazing stuff, the plain old swings were my favorite place to play.
    But, i also had some hard times. Back in the day, kids werent afraid to just say "we arent friends" and just walk away. I remember losing friends but then gaining new ones. Some of the new ones i still have today.

  13. One memory from my elementry school playground would be the swings. My friends and I would always swing really high and then jump off. We would have a comtest of who could jump the farthest. even if we got hurt we would continue to do it.

    A playground experience can be good or bad. It is good when you have everything/everyone that you like there. Although, if there are parents or children that you don't like you time at the playground may be ruined.

  14. When i was like 6, i was playing soccer with some friends during recess, and i hated soccer but it was the only kind of ball we could play with. so i went for it and got clipped and fell, breaking my arm in 3 places. I think, no wait, i know that bullying is one of the most common things on playgrounds, ha ha and mostly happens over like which swing "belongs" to who. Good things that happen on playgrounds are stuff like relationships being built, kids finding support, and just having fun, but bad things would be bullying, cheating at games,and "fights". My bad experience would have to be me breakinh my arm while playing soccer, and now I hate it even more.

  15. i remember in elementary school(sandburg). Ariel and i were best friends and sometimes we were really mean to people and we went to the principles office at least once a week in fourth grade. we talked in class all the time and we were a distraction. ariel and i fought all the time, but the next day we would just forget wat we were "not friends". All my other friends didn't like Ariel because she 'stole' me from the group and all of them didn't get along. Now it's all ok. Playground memories are made by the people who surround with happiness or sorrow and they are the ones who make the biggest difference for the rest of your school years.

  16. i remember in elementary school(sandburg). Ariel and i were best friends and sometimes we were really mean to people and we went to the principles office at least once a week in fourth grade. we talked in class all the time and we were a distraction. ariel and i fought all the time, but the next day we would just forget wat we were "not friends". All my other friends didn't like Ariel because she 'stole' me from the group and all of them didn't get along. Now it's all ok. Playground memories are made by the people who surround with happiness or sorrow and they are the ones who make the biggest difference for the rest of your school years.

  17. I remember that when i was in elementry school in first grade i had a fan club of kindergarteners and one day they saw my big brother ben in the hallways and they thought he was me and (ben told me about it so i know)
    he was like "i had never seen them before and they where screaming hi at me".I thought it was hilarious =).

  18. amelia i find it sort of hard to believe that u where ever mean.

  19. In elementary school, my friend and I were always trying to show off on the swings or anything. We would do flips out of the swings or jump as far as we could off of them. We would do this everyday except one day my friend fell and fractured his ankle. That was the end of that.

  20. back in the days we would do the same a Tim's and his friends would do. we would do a lot of flips off the swings and get a lot of air. The supervisors did not approve of this but that did not stop us from having a great time. The mainpoint is that if you are with people you like, you will have a good time. but if you are not, then you will not have such a good time.

  21. R. Gregory
    I remreber playing on the swings and kida would try to run through them. I was good if you made it through and bad if you did not

  22. One thing i remember when i was on a playground in elementary school, was when ever we would go on the swings we would try to see who could go the highest and we would see who could (as we would say) "touch the angles." And then we would see who could jump off the farthest when the teachers yelled for us to come in.

    A playground experience could be good or it could be bad depending on the situation. Kids always have fun going down the slides or playing tag, but sometimes kids don't always do the best things. Whenever it would snow in first grade I would always be the one who would try to do the monkey-bars with my mittens on and I would fall and get the wind knocked out of me. I would do it almost every day and not know whats going to happen. So thats when a playground can be a bad experience when kids don't learn from their mistakes.

  23. I rememeber when I was in 4th grade I was a tom boy and wasn't afraid to get dirty and play with the boys. One of my favorite games to play was shmear the quear. This was a game with a football and whoever had the ball would just run like crazy until they got tackled, and they couln't let go of the ball until they were tackled. I remember my friend Liz and I were the only girls playing with 20 5th grade guys, so not only were we the only girls, but we were also the youngest! To me I think that no matter what kids always have fun on playgrounds. They are with friends, having fun, and they don't focus on the bad days. There is always a scratch or bruise here and there but they never let that stop them. They just pick themselves back up and keep on keepin on! :)

  24. I remeber one time on the playground my friend told me that she knew someone who died from swinging to high. Apparently the girl went so high she went over the top and hit her head on the bar. It freaked me out so bad that I didn't go on the swings for five full years!!!
    I think playgrounds were meant for a positive way for kids to let out energy but they can also be a good place to bully or be bullied ! Kids don't take mean things very seriously though usually what happens on the playground stays on the playground as kids ! If you get tackled or pushed its just for fun! All in all I think playgrounds are a great experience and fun for little kids but are sometimes not good because theirs not a lot of teachers or adults to watch whats happening. Thats also a good thing though tthe less adults on the playground the more crazy stuff!

  25. I remember when I was in 3rd grade at sandburg elementary school, some kid was trying to impress a girl by skipping 3 monkeybars backwards...well he fell and dislocated his shoulder. Instead of going to get a teacher I fell to the ground laughing because of all the pain he was in. After a little but a teacher came rushing over and all the kids had to get off the playground. Then the ambulence came and he was out of school for like three days. It was the funiest thing I have ever seen haha.

  26. I remember at Ames elementary in like 2nd grade we would have boy and girl wars where we would just all chase each other. haha some of the boys and girls wanted to be caught by the other side! I think playgrounds were made positive for kids, so at recess they can get all there energy out and make more friends. But there was still a lot of fighting for slides and swings.

  27. I remember when my friends and i used to go to the tube slide on the playground and see how many people we could fit in the tube slide. Good things that can happen on the playground like meting new friends. Sometimes we would hae to invite more people to come jam themselves in to the slide. It can be bad to because some kids think they are too cool for some people and are rude.

  28. One time i remember there was a bunch of us playing football on a strip of grass right by the black top. one kid when to catch the ball and tripped onto the cement. he hit his head and had to get stiches. this wasnt a very good thing but everyone has a memory of themselfs or someone getting hurt on the playground

  29. In 3rd grade in our playgrounds monkeybars we would play this game were two people would hang from the monkeybars and try to make the other one fall without hiting or kicking them. But then we were told to stop after this one time when a girl and all of her friends were playing that and she fell, and knocked herslef out and broke her arm in three places. Every kid has a least fallen once on from playground equipment and hurt themselves.

  30. I remember in second and third grade my friends and I used to play tag out on the play-ground. The good things were that more and more people would join into the game. The bad things were sometimes kids fell off the slide or triped over something and someone would get hurt. Playing tag on the play ground was very fun though !

  31. One memory that I have From elementary school(Peabody)was my first day there, I didnt know anyone there and I was very shy back then and as soon as looked like i didn't know what to do, a couple of people came over and asked if I wanted to play with them, so of course i said yes and we became good friends really quickly. Since then both of those friendships have died away but i am still grateful to them for being brave enough to ask the new kid to play.

    I think that playgrounds are meant to be good for kids but sometimes, espicially for the new kids who just joined the school,the playground can be pretty tough. I personnally think that if you hang out with good friends the playground can be the favorite place ever.

  32. I remember in 2nd grade I would always play gravel it was fun because if a lot of people play it would make it funner. The bad things is if kids fall on the slide or trip on something it would be a bad thing.

    My opinion is playground are for kids to interact with others and make new friends and the new kids can join in the games !

  33. I remember when i was in 1st grade me and my friends considered ourselves the good guys and there was this other group of kids that we didn't like and we called them the bad guys. And i remember ever day at recess we would fight with them and throw snowballs at each other or wood chips it was awesome. What is common and bad about a child's expireience on the playground is getting hurt. Like i remember i got knocked out when we played football.

  34. I remember when i was in 1st grade and I was new to a school called Littleton Prep. I had got into trouble earlier in the day and I wasnt feeling well. I thought the only thing that could cheer me up was recess but when recess came i got over heated and passed out.

    Maybe if you dont pass out this could be a good expierience.

  35. what i remeber most about my elementary playground is durring lunch recess i would play soccer everyday. kids who have this lunch experiance would probly either be playing some sort of game on the playground or playing on the swings and counting to 120 until they had to get off. But whenever i played on the slanted hill playground my long pants would always get ripped at the knees and we would have to get new ones eventhough my mom would get mad every time i did.

  36. I remember one time where my friends and I were all hanging around the monkey bars playing truth or dare and I got dared to stand on the monkey bars but, when I got up on them I slipped and fell of on to by best friend Josh. We got into trouble but only because Josh came to school the next day on crutches.

  37. I don’t remember a lot of things from the playground when i was younger. I do remember, in first grade, my friends and I would always play on the monkey bars. We would just go back and forth on the all recess. We couldn’t get enough of them. We would always have big calyces on our hand because we were constantly on them. I also liked the bars. I remember that we spent lots of time on those too. Therefore we got pretty good at them. I learned to do a back flip off of the high one!

  38. I remember in 4th grade, my 3 best friends and I would always race out to the tire swing so we could get it before any of the other kids did. Usually, 1 person would push and the other 3 would sit on the tire swing, and we would have competitions to see how could push it the highest, or who could spin it the fastest, etc.

    A child's time on the playground should be a good experience, but then again, there will always be the bullies who will tease you or chase you around the playground, and those are the kinds of people that you need to try to avoid. All you have to do is surround yourself with nice people, and you will have a fun time!

  39. in 1st grade I went to acres green elemtary school and ill always remeber how i had a "boyfriend". when we were swinging he "proposed" to me. we got married on the playground and my ring was substituted as a funion (the onion circle chips). We were so happy and we stayed married till the end of the year. hahaha

    i think a childs experience on the playground should always be great, and fun! There will always be bullies and kids who tease other.
    i never played with the mean kids or lead them on when they bullied, i always just tried to stay away from bad situations so i was sure to have fun every recess!

  40. A childhood memory I have is when i was in 4rd grade there was a boy named Kyle. He really liked me and he would always chase me around and kind of stalk me. Haha, but one time he took me behind this dumpster and told me "Kara you are beautiful and i would do anything to have you.." It was pretty funny, seeing how we were only in 4th grade. (:

    I think a childhood memory is important because sometimes the memories can define who you are.
    I always would run away from the bullies because for some reason they would always come after me..haha so I always tried to have a good time with my friends..which I did.

  41. Over the summer I read The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom. One of the intresting things that came to my mind after I read this was that when a person dies they meet some of the people that they had met through out their life. In a way thats kind of kreepy because if you don't remember that persons name so the purpose of meeting him has no point. One of the things that this book might teach you is that don't be afraid to risk your life to save anothers even though some times you could be scared to think about what may happen if you save the other person but give up your own life. This book is great for people that like to be left hanging at the end of the chapter.

  42. At my elimentery school there was about 500 kids there it was small and then at reses all I would play was football and it was a team of 3 agenst everyone else and we never lost once. then one day who wanted to play with us and he smelt rilly bad but we said yes anyway then when we passed it to him he would drop it and we went through one year of him suching and we made fun of him a lot and that is a bad exspirience for him and I feel bad for what I did and if I could I would tell him I'm sorry for being a jurk in 3ed grade.

  43. I remember playing on the playground with all of my friends before school started at my elementary school. Then, one kid got hurt and the principal said that we couldn't do that any more. I was really sad.

    Playing tag would be what I think would be the most common memory from the playground. I cannot say that I know anyone who does not at least know the rules of tag. So tag must definitely be a common memory.

  44. I remember playing tag in like 1st grade. It was good because it gave me friends.

  45. i rember one time on the playground i jumped off the swings and got hit by my friend who was on the other swing. I got to stay home that day.

  46. When I was in elementary school I remember there was this one slide that my friends and I loved to go and fit as many kids as we could in until we got stuck, or the bottom person would have to trap everyone inside. I think that we called it "claustrophobic" because well, it explains it’s self. I think that a little kids experience on the playground can be really fun or horrible. It can be horrible if there are bully’s, or great if you were "popular" or if you were always included in the games the other kids play.

  47. My cildhood mermories would be all of the friends i knew that im still in touch with. it is unusual to have people that you know that youve known sice you were pretty much a baby. i have sierriah who is one of my very best friends. i love her to death shes changed me numourous time from old habits that got me in trouble. Dominique she is a really close friend too. we use to live with eachother we are like sisters. we fight like sisters we have fun togeather and alot of other things.

  48. Some of my favorite memories are on the elementary school play ground. One of my favorite memories is when a friend of mine in kindergarden introduced me to one of her friends named Emily. We played together at recess. Today Emily is one of my longest best friends I've had.
    A child's experience on the playground can be great. They can meet new people (like I did) and have a lot of fun. (Miss recess because it was so fun!). But bad things are the play ground is a place where kids can be bullied.

  49. I remember one time my friend and i were on the swings doing backflips and all, but my friends swing came and hit me and it felt like my arm broke. It sucked because like i didnt want to seem like a wimp and so i dint tell anyone. so i went through the rest of the day with a hurt arm

  50. I can well remember the time at the playground when a golfer in the South Suburban country club golf course shot a golf ball in our playground. I saw that it had a well written signature by that golfer, I kept it of course.
    One good part about it is that you keep somewhat rare golf balls if they shot it in the playground, but the down side is that you can get hit by them or suffer an injury.

  51. i remeber when i was in 1st grade there was a little like bar table thing built into the playground and me and my friend kylie would pretend to bake cookies and then we would give them to other kids.
    i also agree with jessie s and sam k. a childhoods playground experince is based on thier surroundings. also, you can loose or gain friends by doing the stuidist things. i remeber cutting infront of a girl for the slide and she told me we werent friends anymore haha. but then the next year we became friends agian, but its just depends .

  52. In my childhood memory i would always pretend to play Spiderman with my friends on the playground, i was spiderwomen, and then my friend Daniel was Spiderman and all my other friends were other the villains or citizens, we would play that the whole time at recces, running around like little maniacs!
    i think friends define who you are today, if i never knew my friend Jessica when i lived in California then i'd never be the person i am, she taught me so much on how to relax and think strait. My friend Tiana made me become a fun but try hard girl. I know if i had some depressing friend then i would be depressed 24/7 too.

  53. my childhood memory at the oark is: DOing backflips in the air off of a swing! yes it was a very stupid thing todo, but the thrill you got from doing it and getting over your fear made it all worth it. Being able to dare your friends and watching them wig out made you the coolest of them all. sorta like the person they looked up to.
    I think friends define who you are today, because they are people you share your deepest secrets with, your crushes, the people you look to for guidence, and the people who will back you up no matter how stupid some thing might be. What is life without friends then? every one has a companion wheather its your friends, boyfriend, or your wife/husband; we all have companions that you cut a sliver of your heart for and ask them not to crush it.

  54. one memory i have from the playgrond it when i was friends with this chick and every day for like a year we would go to the baseball feild and just sit there and pretend like we were cool hahaha. then she stooped being my friend lol. ummm i thinkg child playgrond memories ca be good or bad wat ever works you know.

  55. When I was in 1st grade I was a gymnast so I remember constantly doing backhandsprings and pullovers on the bars. My friends and I had so much fun!!!!!
    Playgrounds are definately meant so that you can have lots of fun on them, but sometimes kids can get bullied there. You are really the one that decides what you think is fun and what you enjoy. For me it was backhandsprings but for others it might be something different. Its up to you whether something is fun or not.

  56. When I was in the 3rd grade there was this girl named Courtney who was really mean to me and my best friend Kasadi. We didn't even do anything wrong. We just played aruond pretending we where vampires. She always got on our nerves! Playgrounds are ment to be a place where you can have fun and ply with your friends. Hince the name playground. For me haveing fun was running around with my best friend pretending we where vampires and watching my sister and some guy trade pokemon cards! Whatever you decide what to do make sure that you enjoy it or else it won't be fun!

  57. I don't really remember too much of my childhood memories on the play ground but I do remember in 1st grade we had these monkey bars that looked like a bowl turned upside down and we use to just hang from them and then we eventually would just go and sit underneath them like we were caged in and I think once we were late cause we didn't hear the bell.

  58. well i had alot of fun in elementary school me and my friends would have alot of fun at that school and jason barrios went to my elementarye school at recess we would all ways play football or kickball or like basketball. i like all of my teachers and had a great elementary childhood.

  59. so my childhood memory starts out in my friend backyard with a plastic golf club set. so me and him were seeing who could hit the ball farther in the yard with the driver. three or four rounds of this and i keep beating him. so i started to help him with his swing and one of his swings he swung without me getting out of the way and smacked me in the head with the club i hit the ground hard, got up ran after him with the putting saying "I'm going to get you for that.

    this showed me how to cop with anger and not to retaliate witch has proven to help me a lot in spots so when someone take a cheep shot at me i know how to walk away from it and let them get kicked from the game or sit in the box for how ever long the penalty is and that is my childhood memory.

  60. When I was in Elementary school, someone told me to stick my middle finger up towards another person on the playground. I had no idea what putting your middle finger up meant. Another person told on me and once I figured out what it meant, I felt so guilty. People "telling on one another" was an extremely common experience on the playground.

  61. My favorite childhood memory I would have to say, would be the time I 6 years old, and my older brother (Jack) had gone off to Canada for about a week to visit a friend. Now at age 6 a week seems like a year, so I missed him a ton, and I remember when he got back, and I went up to the airport, I just got so excited. I had never been more excited in my whole life to see my brother, or anyone for that matter. I remember screaming, "JACK!" as I ran to him, and gave him a big hug.
    Sounds corny, but it is one of my favorite childhood memories.
