Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What America Means to Me

Using your "What America Means to Me" collage, open a word document and write down words, phrases, images, and emotions you were trying to convey. Then, write a topic sentence that answers: What does America mean to me? Continue on your EEE's writing your paragraph that explains in detail, using your images and words, what America means to you.
1. Use a topic sentence,
2. a thoughtful, spell-checked, properly punctuated, specific example-listed discussion,
3. and a concluding sentence.
***Do this in Word first and then copy and paste it onto this blog.


  1. America to me means individuality, the right and act to being yourself “The really valuable thing in the pageant of human life seems to me not the State but the creative, sentient individual, the personality; it alone creates the noble and the sublime. . .” said Albert Einstein. One reason being how everyone in America is different no matter how alike or related they are different. You can be who ever you want, be where ever you want. Where as in some countries like China you are chosen a job, a time to do things, a time to not do things, their communistic ways control your life basically. Here in the U.S.A you have freedom to be just about anything; that helps people have happiness in life by not having to fit a norm to be comfortable with yourself and live confidently.
    Second America means to me respect; almost everyone here is kind and courteous to each other. “If we lose love and self respect for each other, this is how we finally die,” said Maya Angelou. You see it every day it could be as simple as someone dropping their papers in the hall and others will help them pick their stuff up. Or it could be as huge as donating blood or and organ. Either way in other nations like Afghanistan you have to be of your group and male to even deserve that kind of respect that’s doesn’t even mean that people there will even be as civil as to do thing like that. Americans help each other out it all counts to being a better citizen and feeling good about yourself and your accomplishment.
    Third and Finally America to me means equality and opportunity “Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right,” said Henry Ford meaning everyone has a chance to live here anyone can make it big here all you have to do is work hard and earn your way. But in Cuba which like China is a communistic country they are limited as to how high up on the social class and how many raises you can get. You get what everyone else gets but that’s not always right. Here in the U.S.A it means you can choose for your success weather you want to be remedial or improve yourself better and better.
    These are all three things of what America means to me individuality, respectfulness, and opportunity. We are ourselves with respect for each other still and we have opportunities to better our selves’ everyday. My happiness and success are important to anyone just look at supply and demand it is run by what the buy wants what I want. America is great we are great!

  2. In God we trust that is are philosophy and it can mean something else to everyone, even the word America can be compensated in the wrong way. When people think of America they think of new hope or a new start. Also a long lasting friend ship from people another culture, religion, and even skin color. Plus the freedom of speech so you are allowed to speak out right and do not have to worry about getting in trouble. When you are born I America no one is better than the other, and you can do whatever you want with your talent. It also means not having to worry about being born into a class so however much work you put in will get that much success. When you are an American you can have whatever job you want no one will choose for you. We are very industrialized people and we have a lot to offer if you just try. In the military you have a choice if you want to go no one is forcing you to join. So in continuation America has a lot to offer to you.

  3. The freedom of anything we desire to express ourselves; the freedom to be me, to be who i long to be and to try to succeed in my own way; and the steps that i am willing to take, myself, in what i believe in is the best way to go in order to be the best i can and want to be; and that is what america means to me. To be who i want to be, and to be given that choice to show who we are is such a priviledge that every american should be proud of. Not many other countries are given the right to be who they want to be; they haven't got the freedoms we have where they live, so we shouldn't take our freedom for granted. Having these freedoms should mean that more success and dreams are coming to reality everyday because we are able to follow the steps we set goals for to be the best we can be to our country, our family, our friends, and most importantly, ourselves. Everyone is different, but that is ok here in the U.S. because being in America is what makes everyone living here similar to eachother and makes us a family. Families need to help eachother in order to be strong; and we are very strong, but you can never be too strong. Each successor in this country is helping in his/her own way, no matter what their success is in. For example, opening a business; that is making life a whole lot easier, making money for the government to protect us and etc., and helping those people who need the jobs for money. There are also many different examples, also. After all, nobody can name even close to all the different people here and the the success we gain, but as being a citizen of America, my freedoms to be me is what America is to me.

  4. The United States of America to me is the fact that the U.S is always going to try and help. The U.S. is trying to help the planet by going green. One of the places that are going green the best is CSU. I feel patriotism because CSU is in Colorado and is my favorite college.

    Fast food is a big American thing. Because if you go to an other country then you will see a lot of American food. Because it tastes good to everyone and the American life style is work, eat, sleep; Even some of are nicknames are like that like New York is the “city that never sleeps.”

    “In God We Trust.” That is are saying, but you don’t need to go by it you don’t even need to have a religion It is All about your choice. That is the great thing about America you don’t need to be great you just need to work hard and believe in your self.

    You are able to read books in America and you always remember your first book mine was “The Ginger Bread Man.” Witch looking back now is a little bit funny because I’m a ginger.

    You can have just about any job you want if you are good at them all. Some are only good at one thing like sports and they go on to play them professionally. But for others you are talented at a lot of things so you can be working for at many businesses and one day hopefully you will own your own company. I like America because if one job is not for you can quit and look for a more satisfying job.

    That is the four things I love about the United States of America.

  5. To me America means a lot of things. It means freedom, a good life, and individuality. In America people have the freedom to do pretty much anything. They have freedom of speech, press, and the freedom to chose who they want to run the country. Some people don’t even have the basic rights that we take for granted every day. Also in America we lead very good lives. We have many comforts and technology that makes life easy. In many countries they don’t have the same advantages that Americans do. America means individuality as well. We can be whoever we want to be, and we don’t have to worry about the government telling us who and what we do. We can be different and still excepted. Anyone can become famous or get there dream job If they work for it. There are also many different religions that make us individuals. America means many things but for me it means freedom, a good life, and individuality.

  6. The right to be whoever you want to be, materialistic, and convenience. These are the three things that America means to me.

    In America, every citizen has the right to freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of press, freedom of assembly, and freedom to petition. This means that every American citizen can say whatever they want to say, do whatever they want to do, or believe whatever they want to believe, and this gives everyone the chance to be an individual. Of course there are limitations to these freedoms, like even with the freedom of speech, you cannot shout out “FIRE!” in the movies, but everyone can be whoever and whatever they want to be, to an extent.

    The next thing that I think of when I hear America is materialistic. These days, so many teenagers (mostly girls), judge others on what they wear or what they have. If someone doesn’t wear the kinds of clothes that are “in style”, people may judge them as “losers”. Everywhere on TV you always see celebrities and well-known people advertising for major brands, these brands become popular, and if you don’t have them, then you may be criticized, or looked down upon by the ones who actually have these new things, because they think they’re better than you. Clothing is a good example of this.

    The final thing that America means to me is convenience. With the economy as bad it is, people are now working longer hours to get more money, so they have less time to spend with family or friends. There is now a fast food restaurant on every street corner, which is extremely un-healthy, but nowadays, it is just so much easier to swing by a McDonalds after work and pick up some burgers for your family instead of slaving over a stove for hours after a long day at work trying to cook your family a meal. Technology is also a good example of every day conveniences. You now have internet, email, music, GPS, cameras, and of course 300 different people’s numbers with the click of a button with new phones that have virtually everything you could ever need (or want).

    These are the three things that America means to me.

  7. America means a lot to me. It has a lot to offer. I have never lived anywhere else, but i truly believe that it is the most wonderful place to live. It is a beautiful place full of opportunities. In the United States, everybody has rights. We as Americans are given rights that we each have as a person. In America everybody has to opportunity to become successful. Freedom is another wonderful thing about the U.S. The government does not tell us what to do. Through democracy, we have the right to choose our countries finest leaders. In America, the talented can rise to success. Whether its in singing, acting, sports, and many other things, you have the opportunity to reach your goals. The United States is also a land full of many different people and cultures. Immigrants come here to start a new and better life. The United States’ motto: In God We Trust; is a great motto. I really love it because I do trust in God and everybody else should too. America truly is the land of opportunities. It is an amazing place.

  8. ut of many things I love about America is that we can be who we want to be and be individual. I am so thankful we are allowed to have the freedom of speech, dress, hair, looks, opinions, ideas, and much more. I think it shows what America truly is, which is different. We have so much freedom and opportunity. I remember adults saying to me that if I want to be an astronaut or be famous or a firefighter all you have to do is work hard and you will achieve your goals. America gives everybody a chance to strive to be the person we would like to be. Take movie stars, they are short, tall, boys, girls, black, white, Chinese, etc. We are accepting to everyone in America and also other countries. We are always helping other countries to become strong. We as Americans like to see others succeed, which is really cool. America is just so unique and that reflects the people who live here.

  9. What America means to me is that no matter where you come from, no matter what you like, no matter your race, everyone is family. Everyone is one community and we all are related through love and peace. America offers so many opportunities to express yourself and define yourself. It gives you the opportunity to travel and explore the world beyond it’s own boundaries. Also America gives you the chance to earn money, allowing you to expand your abilities and expand your ideas. America gives every citizen a chance to get an education and a chance to get a job. You can go to college, or just go out into the world and hope for the best, either way, your still part of the American family. Everyone wants to find who they are, and America helps you along the way, whether its in an entertaining way or a serious way, people are they for you. That’s what America means to me and if we all can find what it means to us, then we can thrive as one nation.

  10. To me, America is five main things. I used one of my symbols as an eagle, because America is famous for its freedom. America has what I would refer to as "flying room" because we do not have a totalitarian government so we are allowed to go into what professions we want and we get to follow our dreams which is what I represented with the gymnast and the olympic rings. I used the olympic rings because Im pretty sure about everyone in the whole world has dreamed about going to the olympics and gymnastics is a sport that you are depending on yourself to follow your specific dreams. I believe that americans in general are independent like gymnasts. America is also powerful and being a gymnast I realized that everything in that sport is power. I thought that a gymnast suppoerted the power of the country.
    America means peace to me. No country can be perfect. There will always be dissagreements and violence but overall I believe America is a very peacful country.

    The last symbol I had was a rose. Roses look delicate but they are strong. Through rain and shine and harsh conditions they stay standing,just like America!
    America means a lot to me and I believe these five symbols represent it best.

  11. There are so many amazing things about America, that it is hard to pick out just a few. If I did have to choose, things that come to mind are how much enjoyment we can get out of our lives, our education system, and the innovative technology. In places like Sierra Leone people can definitely not enjoy life as much because their people are constantly at war with themselves. The children never even have a childhood because they are kidnapped at a young age and taught how to fight. Our education is in direct proportion to how well our education system operates. This is true for all over the world. In places like India most kids drop out of school (if they were ever even in one) to help their parents grow crops our find food. In the US, everyone has the chance a great education, no matter where you live. China is the most innovative country in the world, we don’t even compete with them, but that doesn’t mean that we are in last place. We create new technologies every day and can produce them in the blink of an eye. Other places around the world, such as Afghanistan, hardly ever create any new technologies, even if they would, they would have a very hard time producing them.

  12. America means to me that it is truly the land of opportunity. I can be who I want to be if I just try. They make you go to school and that way you can get a real job that pays the bills. There is no decided fate for my life I make it the way I want it becuas I have the feedom to do so. Our government may be a little of its rocker sometimes but look at the good they have brought to us all. I love the work that is put into each single thing in America. There is sense of equality but to a certain point. We aren’t communist but we think everyone should have a fair chance at making it.

  13. In America just like everywhere else there is a motto that every country goes by. In America our motto does not only describe who we are but it is what we as Americans stay true to. “In God we trust” is our philosophy and it can mean something else to everyone, even the word America can be thought of in the wrong way. When people think of America they think of new hope, a new start, or most commonly known as the land of the free. Some of the freedoms that as an American you receive is the freedom of speech so you are allowed to speak out your opinion and do not have to worry about getting in trouble. A few other examples of freedoms we are privileged with are the freedom of the press, freedom of religion ext. When you are born an America everyone is created equal, and you can do whatever you want with whatever your dreams are. In the military you have a choice if you want to go and no one is forcing you to join. There aren’t any racial issues involving whites vs. blacks or any problems like that. One more amazing thing about being an American is we get to choose who we elect and vote on if laws should be made. All in all those are examples of what being an American is to me.

  14. "In god is our trust", these powerful words can be found in our national anthem and not only are they lyrics to a song but they are our nations motto. America let alone means to me the act and right to individually being yourself. "We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home." said Edward R. Murrow The freedom we are given here is almost a privilege. We have the opportunity to be who we want but we never would have gotten this far if we didn't learn to speak up and fight for what we believe in as our own person . If we want something we have to fight to get it but once we have it we can't let it go once it is out of our reach it is gone forever. The freedom we are given is a right to as part of being a citizen here, this also comes along with freedom of speech and even religion we allow our nation to be a very diverse group of people many people immigrate here to start a new better life and many of these people believe in different things but many will come to find they believe in god our "creator", I believe in god and so should everyone else you have to have a little faith in other people to get what you think is right because many times you will come to find that they can have a major influence on your freedom and right to something.

  15. I think that America represents a very strong sense of patriotism, courage, and it's sheer power... I think that america is a powerful nation and that it is the best place on earth, a land of opportunities for all who come... To me, America is the place to live and the strongest community on earth also. America also means to me that we can do wat we want, be a big influence and factor, and also stay that way. America is like the older stronger brother, we help others who need us and we are willing to do just that. America and it's flag is a sense of pride, courge, accountability, respect, and our previously hard fought for independence.. America is the place to be and a firm representative of our accomplishments and how much we have developed and how far we have come from long ago. These are my firm beliefs and what I feel, and America will only get stronger and better.

  16. Ha ha ha I am at tha doctor, and I just did this from my phone!!! ;)

  17. America means to me Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. America offers freedoms that other countries only wish they had. We can express our opinions without fear of retaliation from our government. We can worship as we see fit. America offers people a chance to aspire to fulfill their dreams great or small. In a capitalist society we have the opportunity to become as successful as we want to become. We all have the ability to earn the “American Dream”. People can walk the streets of our cities without the fear of being harmed. Race, creed or color, we can all become great people if we so desire.

  18. America his gotten so far sense the english came here. But what it means to me means so much, we have freedom. Freedom alows any race to be excepted, no matter how you look you will always find freedom. To me America is a powerful nation that alows people to live how they want with out being put into jails like in some countries. I can have freedom of religion with out being procecuted. Im able to do as a want, same with anyone and we really cant get in any trouble, to a certian extant though. America has so much meaning to it and when a country need our help we are willing to help them and means alot to me and im guessing to other people. As time goes on our Country will get stronger because of the government and we've been doing it for hundreds of years. Im thankful for living here and how the country takes action to things so we wont lose want we already have.

  19. There are many great things in America, so it is hard to choose just one, but the things I like about the U.S. are freedom, rights, and food. Firstly, I enjoy freedom. In America, there is an extremely large amount of freedoms. A few of these freedoms are freedom of the press, freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Another thing I enjoy about the U.S. is the rights. We have the right to vote and the right to trial by jury, among others. Lastly, I like the food. Here in America, there is American food. This can sometimes be good, but unlike some other countries; we have several different foods and cultures woven in. We have Chinese, Mexican, Italian, seafood, and good old American. I love this country for many reasons, but I like it most for the freedom, rights, and food.

  20. America, the land of the free. To me America means life, freedoms and education. In America we are all so full of life and think everything is just so easy. In other countries people suffer day after day with diseases and starvation and many other things. Here in America we are so fortunate that this only happens to a small percentage of our people. Also we have so many freedoms that I think we take for granted day after day. We are so privileged but sometimes we just end up abusing what we have. Our education system is like no other country. You can go to almost any school you want for as long as you want. Most countries won’t allow kids or adults to go to school at all. I think we are so lucky and privileged to live here in America and I’m very thankful for it.

  21. American is a very strong powerful nation, and what that means to me is that America gives us freedom, money, and all the great stuff that America has to offer. With all the freedom and rights we have it allows you to be who you want to be. It’s the land of opportunity. America also allows us to have money and to buy whatever comes to mind and is needed to survive life. This is my favorite part about America because without money all the things I love to do would not exist to me. WE also don’t have to worry about the government bossing us around and telling us what to do. That is definitely the most important to me which is freedom. Clearly, America is a well developed strong powerful country, compared to all the other ones out there.

  22. The freedom of speech, the freedom of religion, to express yourself and have a opportunity to get a good education are the things that comes to my mind when I think of America.These are the things that matter the most to me. We should take advantage of this opportunity and try to make America better every day because there are a lot of individuals who don't have the rights as we do.There are a lot of things that means America to me such as; having a dream, the right to individuality and the desire to do something big.One huge think that means America to me is the freedom of religion.America doesn't force you to change your religion or to give up what you believe in. This matters to me personally because I am a different religion and nobody forced to to change my religion. America means a lot to me and these are some examples to express how I feel.America is one of the greatest countries I have ever seen.

  23. To me, America is all about three things, our advancement of technology, our will at being strong against the harsh and weak and freedom my beautiful friends.

    1. Our advancement of technology has grown over the years. We’ve made new phones, the iPhone, and new generations and gigabits to the iPod Touch. We also made energy saving light bulbs.

    2. We have been strong with the violence and the deaths of loved ones and famous people. Our will I think should stated: “We stand together as one”, we’re born, we live, we die and united we stand, together we fall.

    3. Our freedom is what we should cherish the most. We don’t need to take orders from Britain and we are just the U.S alone.

    In Conclusion, these three points are what should be most valued to our country today and everyday and we live on with our beautiful lives.

  24. I have a lot of nationalism for the place I call home, America. Being a citizen for the United Sates gives us a plentiful amount of privileges and freedoms in America like the freedom of religion, the freedom that we can have a family as big or little as we want with whom we want, and we have a great amount of new technology. Every person likes to go to church on sunday and listen to gospel and hear the preacher tell them what they want to hear,not what they have to and no one wants to be forced into one religion or belief that they don't want to believe, and thats what makes America so great. The citizens of America can believe what they want and we take this freedom for granted because in other countries they are forced into certain religions. Also, we get to have a family! In these modern days we base our life around our family, parents give everything and try their best for their kids, and kids try their best to show their parents what great kids they are and show them why they love them. In China they have a certain amount of kids they can have and what gender to keep according to their country, so we should feel privileged to have a family. The best part of America is the incoming technology we use everyday. Most parents and kids have cell phones for security reasons and to make a social life. Think way back when, when they didn't have cell phones, it would be hard to make plans and you would always have to have great communication skills and you would always have to plan ahead. To sum it all up, as Americans we should feel privileged to have as many freedoms we do and family, technology, and religion are just some of the freedoms I think are most important to me.

  25. America, to me, means a lot and words that come up in my head are freedom, bravery, valor, independence, liberty, and perseverance. All these explain America well. Something big to me is the phrase “In God We Trust”. It is America’s motto and shows what we live by.
    America is so great because you are free to express yourself however you want and nobody can change it. You can dress how you like, go to college, get an education, have a religion of choice, play sports, and so much more. Freedom of speech is also instilled so you can say what you want and voice your opinion. There are no limitations in what you could do. When you are born, you are not placed in a class based on your family’s wealth; you have just the same opportunity than anyone. We are a democracy so everyone has a say in how the government runs and this keeps an equal balance in power. America means so much to me because it is so special in all these ways and years ago patriots fought for these rights that not many countries have.

  26. The word America can have many different definitions to many different people. To me America is all about the freedom to choose. This is definitely one of the greatest freedoms we have in my opinion because we can go do what we enjoy and not have to worry about people bossing us around and telling us what to do. For example I like to ski, wakeboard, long board, ect. And in other countries they don’t even know what these things are and even if they did they wouldn’t be able to do these things. Another example of freedom of choice is like in Sierra Leone the make kids join an army and fight even if they don’t want to, but in America when you are 18 you have the choice to join the army or not. This is only one of the great freedoms we have and I am glad that I am American and have these rights. This is one of the definitions of being an American to me is.

  27. In my opinion America means choice and possibility. America has so much to offer and so much to choose from. I take pride in knowing that my country promotes individuality. There is so much that America is that it is hard to express all of the different things America represents, but here are a few things.

    First off America represents choice. We have the right to choose who we want to be, what we want to do what we want to say(for the most part) and many other things. We are not a country of people who have not chosen their future, whether its good or bad choices America can give it to you. I think it’s a good thing we can make bad decisions in America otherwise if your always given the right path then you will never become your own person. So that is what America is full of people who have chosen.

    Another thing I value in America is Expression. We have the right to express our feelings and minds in a peaceful manner. If we don’t like something, we can protest or do many other things to speak our minds. It a wonderful privilege that most people take for granted, there are so many countries where if you speak against the country you could get severely punished. It’s not like that here. We are free people that have a say in what we like and dislike.

    One of the last things I think America represents is loyalty. People here are so loyal to our country. I think most people in this country take pride and take care of this beautiful place. We show we are Americans everyday just by saying the pledge and honoring Americans on Days like 9/11. This country has had much sadness but who is always here to bring it back up again? Its loyal people.

    As you can see I could name so many more things that I treasure about this wonderful place. We have so much freedom and individuality here and sometimes I take it for granted, but there is no place I would rather be then here.

  28. America is a country joined by freedom. When you live in America, you can vote, speak, and use media plus many other rights. If you are a citizen in America then you get the same rights as everyone else. No person has more rights than another, because everyone deserves the same amount. In America everyone is equal if you are speaking about race, gender, or age. Even though some people may be 18 and aloud to vote, they are not considered better in the governments eyes. Although America may judge according to other reasons, we do not use torture or any methods of bad behavior.
    As you start to realize what a great nation that we live in, you start to think about how great we have it in comparison to other places. When you get off of school and are aloud to go drive through a McDonald’s and eat it without cooking for three hours, it is a privilege. When women are aloud to drive and marry at their own will, that is another privilege. Being able to choose who you want to be and who you are, is a great advantage that we have. If you can do what you want when you want only on certain conditions, it is an amazing privilege.
    Although America has its bad streaks, we stand together and remain the great country that we have always been.

  29. Brendan Boh
    Period 6
    What Freedom Means To Me
    Freedom is one of the greatest things that exists today in the United States for three main
    reasons. First, and most importantly we have freedom to pursue what we want, like sports. In other
    countries you may be limited on what you are allowed to do or play, but here you can play what you
    want and practice to get better. Second, if you break any laws you get the chance to be proven guilty
    or innocent which can be important to those who are innocent, rather than other countries where you
    are just guilty or innocent and you don’t get a chance to be otherwise. Last but not least we get the
    chance to be educated in a safe and healthy environment where we can later decide what to do with
    our lives. In conclusion I think freedom is the choice or the chance to make something of your life.

  30. America is a great place to live because you have a lot of free choices like freedom of what sports you play freedom of what you eat freedom of speech, freedom of what you dress like, freedom of who your friends are. Freedom of speech is most appreciated because I have the right to say anything I want whenever I want. Freedom of speech is displayed everywhere around the town like billboards, slogans, sighs. Freedom of what you eat and the amount of what you are very grateful. Glad to not have a certain amount of food that you get and that’s it and if you don’t all of your food you have to clean all the dishes. The last freedom I appreciate is freedom of what you dress like. This give the choice to look like you won’t whether it be all black or sweats high heels or whatever you so want. America is the best country to live in.

  31. America, I think to myself: the land of the free, freedom of speech, and a place where diversity is celebrated every day. America is truly a great nation; however, unlike many countries we are granted many privileges that others do not posses. Freedom is truly a gift that we should be thankful for everyday because in many countries it is not easy to come by. In fact some countries even still have slaves who are, in many cases, mistreated and abused. We should definitely recognize how lucky we are to not have to worry about these sickening ideas here in the U.S. Another gift that we take for granted is freedom of speech or the right to state our opinion. Although we have the luxury of this many countries are deprived of this. For example, Sierra Leone is a country that has a very similar government to ours but they have limited freedom of speech. Because of this, children are being rounded up and trained to fight in a civil war. My final trait that I think completes America is the fact that we celebrate diversity every day. Here we do not judge you because of your religion or your race. In 1963 Martin Luther Kigng gave an incredible speech stating that “one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal." Today we have succeeded in this and hopefully always will because it is the most important trait America will ever have. America is truly a great nation because of these traits and I hope we will continue to be the nation other countries look up to and truly respect.

  32. To me America means that we have the freedom of speech, the ability to have a good education, a good strong military to protect us, and that we are allowed to play any sport at all or to choose not to play one. It is important to me that we should be able to have all these things because it makes our country great. In some countries, people aren’t allowed to say certain things. If they do say something they aren’t supposed to they get severely punished. We are also very lucky to have an education. In parts of Africa there are no schools for the children to go and learn. They might be very smart but wouldn’t get an opportunity to do anything with it. When someone says something about America, I am always thinking about how strong our military is. We are so great today because we have stopped wars from happening in our country so we aren’t destroying any resources or our people. America has freedom to play any sports they want to. As much as we work we should also have time to do what we like to do. We have basically every sport you can think of. Most countries don’t have the luxury to have that many sports. Since people are so different we can do whatever sport we want. In conclusion, America is a great country and it means so much to me that we have all of these things.

  33. What America means to me is being a united country that is strongly joined together, being able to express yourself, but most of all being free. These are reasons that most immigrants came and are still coming to America so that they can have those same rights. But more often that not we take these great freedoms for granted.
    Our great America is greatly woven with many ethnic groups that have different beliefs, which makes America so different in its entirety of its self. Why this is so great is because everyone in America cares about the country, you can tell this by how many different ethnic groups are in the government system, the jobs they work, and in some cases, help support by joining the army. Our country is strong because of the great people who make it up.
    You can tell that America expresses itself because if none of us did then it wouldn’t be the united country it is. Expression means to me that people feel free to do what they want with their bodies, attitudes, and what defines them because they know that they can speak freely without any rebuke. This expression helps the country grow stronger and discover new ideas. Because if the people aren’t happy than the country isn’t strong.
    Freedom is what America means to me the most. Many of us take this very big accomplishment for granted because we use it every day. The great freedom of doing what you think is right and doing something about it is a freedom that we fight for everyday. As you look at many broken countries you see the leader saying something that he wants to do and if you were to do anything against it you would be killed. That is what America means to me the most
    As America grows, becomes more conjoined, the only thing that will be able to stop that freedom and growth will be ourselves.

  34. I have great pride in America because of the unity our community has, the somewhat at ease life we are blessed with, and are freedom of speech, especially in politics. Our nation compared to other nations in this world is extremely blessed. In other countries, a families backyard may be a war zone. People are dying of starvation and poverty. When you look at America as a community, we really live quite a cushy lifestyle. There is a population of impoverished citizens but for the most part, we can just focus on living our lives rather than worrying if our house will be bombed during the night.
    I also am very proud of our freedom of speech and how large of a role we play in our government. In England, the people’s government is decided for them for the most part and in China, the people have no say really. We the people of the United States are given the privilege to elect our own leadership.
    Finally, the unity of America is such a comforting concept. Many countries are battling each other within their own nation. The U.S. has no problem with figuring things out with other states calmly and rationally. We help one another, look out for one another, and are unity with one another.
    Therefore, I am extremely proud to be an American because of the unity we have within the community, our privilege to vote for our own government, and our relaxed lifestyle.

  35. America to me means EVERYTHING! In America you can to almost whatever you want. It is a place where YOU choose your future and YOU choose who you want to be. It does not matter who tells you what to do, because your in the land of the free. People from all over the world come to America for our freedom. Comunity is another big word, because no matter where you go kids and adults are friends. America is very luky and blessed because we have a great education system good working enviorments and over all just good safe places for the American people. America has a huge amount of unity. People know how proud we are and should be of our country. Everyone in America is very lucky, but some people dont use thier freedom to a good advantage. America is a great place because you can express yourself in any way you want. People may judge you but that does not matter because, there are always people like you in America. This is just a brief description of what America means to me.

  36. What America mean to me. America means a lot of things to me, it means freedom. Why it means freedom because in other countries we don't get freedom as much as we do or they don't even get freedom at all so I'm saying that America gives you freedom and also a unite country. Another thing why America gives you what you want to day is a house, you have to go to work and all but you still have a house. A house where you can live in. Others don't have a house. We will fight with any country, but still we respect to the other countries. Everyone are Equal. That's that America mean to me.

  37. What does America mean to me? That’s a question that most Americans do not think about. We all take for granted on how many opportunities and pleasures we get by being Americans, however, America does mean quite a lot to me.
    America, is the land of opportunity, land of free, of education. Those are 3 big points, that most Americans, either don’t pay attention to, or don’t even know. In America everyone “has” the opportunity to get a job, to make something of themselves, to get a higher education, the right to choose for yourself. In other countries, that’s a freedom they do not get. Most countries you are forced to fight in their army. In America you volunteer to be in the army, navy, air force, what not. We have the strongest army, navy, and air force in the whole world still, by volunteering. Anyone in America can be big, there is no social class, you are not born into a class and stay there your whole life. You can have a “rags to riches” story, in America.
    Most people take America for granted, not realizing the very things they can do that most other countries can’t, well I personally realized what America means to me.

  38. With all the freedom and opportunity offered in America it means so much to me. To begin, with freedom I can do pretty much anything I want. If I want to go longboarding I can do that, if I want to go slacklineing I can do that, if I want to dress up as an ice cream cone I can even do that. Furthermore,
    with all my freedom I can truly express myself. I can dress how I want and I don't have to be afraid to express my opinion. Also, because of the opportunity that is offered I can pursue any career that I want. I can be an astronaut or a youth pastor and I don't have to worry about the government telling me if I can or can't do it. Clearly with all the freedom and opportunity America has to offer it means more to me than words can express.

  39. America means a lot to me. The way we provide entertainment, shelter, and protection. I love this country. America is the most free and best country in the world. It has got so many things to offer. Our right to vote, immigration to our country, national sports leagues, people fighting in the war for us, and not to mention, fast food! One of the things that America really means to me is that kids and men can not be forced to go to war. Compared to African countries. This country is also great because of all the freedoms. It let's us be ourselves. America Rocks!

  40. America to me means that I get to have freedome of my own religion. I have the right to get what I want when I want it. America does have laws that you have to follow but it is still not as bad as being in China. The government tells you what you can and can't do. If you do something even as stupid as cross the crosswalk when you weren't supposed to then you can be taken to jail for long a period of time. When I see a picture of how people in other countries live I realize that I have everything that they can never get. We have water at our fingertips whenever we need it. Most of the people in Africa can't even get clean drinking water if they can get water at all. We also have food where ever we go and we don't have to starve ourselves if we don't have any still in our house. There are fast food restraunts and food stores like Safeway and King Supers on every block in our country. I feel that in many cases Americans are spoiled and take advantage of our recources. But still, America is one of the best countries that you could live in and I know that I am more than happy to live here for the rest of my life.

  41. To me, America means rule of law above all, as opposed to rule of individual. It prides itself on limiting the power of those in charge, and has a constitution centered on the idea of individual freedom. In other prominent countries, the entire country is in the hands of a small group of people, and their every whim is forced upon the citizens. Her in America, though, that is not the case. Just because the President or other prominent figure wants something, that does not in any way guarantee that it will happen. It must be voted on by two groups of people, totaling over 700 people, who were chosen by citizens of this country. Americans are also assured of being punished only for crimes they knew they could be punished for. The government does not have the power to throw people in jail simply for disagreeing with their decisions and policies. In fact, it sometimes appreciates the input of the people. This is the beauty of America. Citizens are promised the same rights as government figures, and vice versa. If you want to get ahead in America, you have to do it fairly. Clearly, rule of law is a major contributor to America’s success.

  42. What America means to me is the fact how free and nice we have it compared to dictatorship countries. For an instance, we have the freedom of speech. This guarantees the right to say what we please without having the government watching what we do or say. Second, we have the judicial system. This insures that we get a fair consequence to the crime that you were convicted of. In North Korea, they do what they please and torture you for doing such a thing. Last, is the education that this country has to offer. The USA offers a higher level of learning that most countries don’t have. The USA means a lot to me, and that is freedom of speech, the judicial system, and the educational experience.

  43. There are many reasons to be proud of living in the United States but the three most important are education, democracy, and success. First, education is plentiful in the USA. Everybody has an opportunity to be educated and properly taught everything that one needs to know for victory in life. Second, democracy is a very good way to run a country. This way makes citizens happier because they have a voice in what goes on in our justice system and over all running of the United States. Last, success makes a citizen living in a country happier. With all the great opportunities provided in America success is very likely and common. People of all ages and races have been able to achieve success just by living in America. Clearly, USA is a very happy place to live because of the opportunities provided.

  44. These are excellent ideas my handsome and beautiful friends.

  45. America to means freedom and happines.
    Basically what freedom is is the right to do anything you want that doesnt infringe on others freedom or hurt someone elses property. happiness is the ability and right to be happy like in some countries you cant wear certain clothing . being restricted from certain clothing types would make me sad so yeah.

  46. American the land that we call our home. It full of countless opportunities all some one can use to become successes full, get a good job, or even just to explore this great land. In America everyone has the chance to become a great person and to have a great life. This to me is shown in the great schools and colleges that dot the country. In these colleges are leaders of their fields that pass their knowledge on to you so that you can continue their research and pass on your knowledge to the next generation. But American also has a great natural beauty. Everyone can explore this wonders because they aren’t restricted by our government. It’s also great that we have these wonders due to the governments resolve to keep them for the generations to come to enjoy. Next, America means to me the able to enjoy sporting events that the government isn’t controlling. Imagine that if you went a Rockies game and a player said something they could be killed for saying something or just for playing bad. The fact that we are allowed to have sports teams makes me proud of our country because in African countries they don’t’ have them because of how bad it is there. America to me is a place of wonder and opportunities.

  47. When someone is asked, “What does America mean to you?”, they sometimes jump right into the history of America like what has happened and how it has influenced the citizens, but these people don't look at the true meaning, they don't read between the lines. America did star as a small 13 colonies ruled by a king across the sea whom they feared, but today we have grown into a nation of 50 states ruled by someone of our choice and we are fearless. To me American means freedom, democracy, and and bravery. To begin, Americas doesn't only mean freedom, but America is freedom. Living in America means living in a life that you choose and plan out for yourself. It means being able to say what you want to say, write what you want, and worship the way you please. In Iraq the citizens must be Islam in order to live there where in America you can be any religion and not fear discrimination. Also, America means democracy. Democracy is a main part of the back bone i our nation. I am proud to live in a country where I have the right to elect who is the leader in my country. Some people see this and just take it for granted, but imagine living in a society where your opinion of who you want to rule doesn't matter. In England they rule my anarchy, which means they have a King or Queen that they don't get to elect and the power is passed down through the royal family. Finally, America means bravery. Us Americans are very brave and I believe that is very important in a society. We were brave when fighting for our freedom against Great Britain. Through out the whole fight we never backed down. We always fight for what is just. Even today we always fight for the right thing, and that takes bravery because sometimes the right thing isn't always the easiest. It even says in our national anthem, “The Star-Spangled Banner”,
    “Then conquer we must, when our cause is just,
    And this be our motto: "In God is our trust"
    And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
    O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!”

  48. Freshmen,

    You've posted some powerful ideas; we'll go back to these in coming weeks.

    Well-formed paragraphs as well!!

  49. America means to me that everyone has a right to be their own individual, be free no matter what type of society you live in, and make yourself feel at home.
    Everyone is different in their own way. They should be able to show and express those feelings by being individual. Even in a communist nation there should be no say in other people controlling your beliefs and how you feel. If you feel like being different then stick out. In America, you can be who and what you want and no one can stop you.
    Being free gives you so many rights as a human being. You’re entitled to your opinion. You have freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of religion, and many more. I cannot imagine our nation without its entire people having to right to do as they please. Being free has some circumstances though. I feel as if the country has limits to these freedoms. You can have freedom of all these things but only to the extent. An example of this is freedom of speech. You can speak of anything you want but it may cause a coral with other people that may disagree with it.
    Making yourself feel at home in America is the most important thing I think of what America means. No matter what you look like, how you act, who you hang out with, everyone is a great big family. Everyone is different in their own ways but are alike in many too; even if no one can see it. We all share one thing in common. Our love for our country and its people.
    This is what America means to me.

  50. america is a sacred place. a land where people are allowed to be themselfs.a place of liberty and equality. america is a place where we can choose what we want to be. whether it is a firefighter to a plumber,you are free to be what you want. you are free to have a diffent faith than others. america is a land of freedom. freedom is was america coexists on. america is what i belive in.

  51. America is a happy place. A land of freedom and kindness. America is fair and let's us think for ourselves. A land to have the freedom to speak your mind without judgment. A land to believe whatever you wnat to. I believe in America never letting us down.

  52. America means to me that we have a free right to be a free country. the people arent ruled by any king or queen and could be killed for wrong doing. I think america is a strong country with a military that backs up there every move. american people aree happy and exited to find new and wonderese things in the world

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. To me, America means freedom and opportunity. When I think of America, one of the first things I think of is freedom. As an American, I have many freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to speak against the government, and many more. Not only do I have those freedoms, but I am free to be an individual, I am free to become whatever I want to become, I am free to make a difference, and I am free to succeed. Wayne Dyer said that “Freedom means that you are unobstructed in living your life as you choose. Anything less is a form of slavery.” I am proud to say that as an American, I am not a slave. As an American, I am free from the shackles of suppression and limitation. I am free to live my life as I choose and I believe that America is such a great and powerful nation because she can save so many people from the shackles of slavery and this is why America is truly the “land of the free.” One of the greatest things about America is the opportunity that each and every American has. Only in America can one go from complete rags to riches. In fact, Ralph Waldo Emerson stated that “America is another name for opportunity.” Americans may take this for granted, but look at the lengths people will go to just to have the freedom and opportunity that America provides, or look at how many people lost their lives to protect our freedom and opportunity that we should hold so dear. I believe that this freedom and opportunity that makes up the American culture and way of life are what makes America the greatest nation in the world.

  55. What does America meant to me? Well America means my home, my freedom, my love for this great country of ours, my pride to be able to live how I wish, to pick my own job I wish to have. In essence America is everything to me. It gives me hope for the future, that it might be a better one. Even though we are in a recession I know that the American people will be able to pull through the hard times to make a brighter future for humanity.

  56. America means the world to me because I have the freedom to be an individual. I also have the freedom to choose who I want to be and what I want to do. When I was little my parents would tell me that if I worked hard, I could choose to be anything I wanted to be. America is so blessed compared to other countrys and I thank God evey day that I was born here. No matter what your skin color, or where you come from, how you dress or anything else, if you work hard, you can be anything you want to and that is why I love Ameriica.
